The Dark Moby

July 31, 2022 marks Hungry Robot's 10 year anniversary. Over the years we have released a lot of pedals. Now it is time to look back on my on our 10 year history and bring some of the older, discontinued models. These offerings are to be "DIRECT-ONLY" and built one-by-one as orders come in.
The Dark Moby is a limited edition delay pedal.
It is a heavily modified version of The Moby Dick. While the standard Moby Dick focuses on emulating tape delays, The Dark Moby tries to emulate the heavy filtering used in analog BBD designs.
The Dark Moby started as an experiment. As many of you know, I am a lover of the PT2399 delay chip due to its versatility and amazing texture. I have been able to tame and master it through the years. Awhile ago, I decided that I wanted to create a delay voicing that was my own personal, ideal delay tone. I spent the entire day tweaking and modifying an original Moby Dick unit I had laying around. The result is a smeary, warm, dark, & organic delay line with thick modulation.
That modified BBD-style Moby Dick hung around my shop for about two years.
Until now.
I have retrofitted the V2 Moby with to match that circuit sitting on a shelf and now its being made available in as a limited edition pedal